Fan Convention: Liao brings the three cats to a furry convention in the DLC.It's PG-13 up until the sex scenes in the Limited version. Eroge: A surprisingly tame example, given the lewd stereotype furry works carry.This is the ultimate fate of Yan Shu-Chi. The soul can be returned and the person revived, but if the soul is eaten the person will die. Empty Shell: The result of a yaoguai stealing a person's soul.Dude Magnet: Liao, but this can be mostly excused with the fact that's how he imagines the gods to be, since he's a gay furry.Naturally some of these are dirty and ship him with the other cats, but he takes this in good humor and buys a bunch of them. Doujinshi: While at the furry convention Lin-Hu discovers some doujins based on his blog.Liao questions his choice of this name later but Lin Hu is chuffed by it since it makes him the official guardian tiger of the Lin family, in spite there being other, more experienced guardian tigers already. Also, Guardian Tiger's eventual name, "Lin Hu", means "Tiger Lin".

A Dog Named "Dog": Likulau is the Rukai word for clouded leopard.

Changing Clothes Is a Free Action: Being incorporeal, Lin Hu and Likulau can make their garments disappear and reappear at will.Cassandra Truth: Lin Hu mentions a few times that Leopard Cat gives him bad vibes.Eventually, he is forced to continue wearing his Shu-Chi 'mask', as penance for having killed the real Shu-Chi. Becoming the Mask: Senpai comes to enjoy playing human and living with Liao, in spite of his yaoguai background.Bara Genre: A rare all-ages note Although there is an NSFW version readily available example.Such that when it comes time to try for the bad endings it hurts to let any of the cats down. Balanced Harem: If the player handles things well they get a very fulfilling time with each of the cats.